2024: What is comment marketing?

Comment marketing, also known as social seeding, involves targeting social media posts that request help related to your product or service and responding to these posts with comments.

Zuch Huang

Zuch Huang2024-08-15

2024: What is comment marketing?

What is Comment Marketing?

Comment marketing, also known as social seeding, involves targeting social media posts that request help related to your product or service and responding to these posts with comments. This type of marketing aims to address user queries while subtly introducing the potential benefits of your offerings.

Origins of Comment Marketing

Before the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), comment marketing wasn't considered a distinct marketing strategy due to its high labor costs. While comment impact might increase with post engagement, on average, the marketing effectiveness of individual comments was limited. Consequently, most marketers preferred social media advertising or posting to attract audiences.

Prior to LLMs, social listening tools existed, but they couldn't effectively filter and match relevant posts. This inefficiency often left marketers overwhelmed by irrelevant information, consuming significant time. With LLM technology, processing these posts became easier, enabling filtering, extraction, and even direct response. Thus, comment marketing evolved from AI-based social listening.

The Relationship between Comment Marketing and Social Listening

Timeliness is crucial for effective comment marketing for the following reasons:

  1. Social Media Algorithm Dynamics: Social media platforms initially provide a certain amount of exposure to new posts. If engagement is low, the algorithm reduces the post's visibility, eventually phasing it out. Without subsequent traffic from search engines, comment marketing must focus on real-time posts, discovered through social listening.

  2. User Decision-Making: Users seeking help on social media typically need prompt responses. They might make decisions within hours of posting. Failing to present your solution before they decide could mean losing a potential customer.

Who Can Benefit from Comment Marketing?

If your target audience seeks help on social media, and your product or service can address their issues, comment marketing could be beneficial. Examples include SaaS developers and e-commerce platforms.

For instance, on Reddit, around 20 to 40 new posts are generated per second, with roughly 40% being help requests. Many subreddits, like r/JBL, r/PcBuild, and r/GamingLaptops, are dedicated to seeking product advice. Our experience with comment-marketing.com on Reddit highlights how numerous independent developers and marketers post about traffic generation, resulting in paid customers for us. Here is our story on how we found our first paid customer through comment marketing.

Is Comment Marketing Effective?

Yes, comment marketing is effective for several reasons:

  1. Precision: Unlike advertising, comment marketing targets users with a strong demand. People are more likely to try your solution if they post about their problems on social media.

  2. Visibility and Reach: Social media comments are visible not only to the original poster but also to others interested in the topic. On Reddit, for instance, a post typically gets about 1k views. Assuming a 1% conversion rate, a single comment could attract 10 high-quality potential customers.

  3. Search Engine Traffic: In addition to platform-based traffic, search engine traffic plays a crucial role. Since 2024, Reddit's Google traffic has grown exponentially, with more users appending "Reddit" to their searches for similar problems and solutions.

reddit traffic growth from google

How to Conduct Comment Marketing

You can dedicate time daily to various platforms like Reddit, Hacker News, and Indie Hacker to find target posts. However, this approach is time-consuming and may not yield real-time posts. Additionally, most platforms frown upon overt self-promotion, risking comment deletion or account suspension.

comment-marketing.com offers a "Do it for you" service. You only need to submit your website and email for notifications. CM handles all tasks, including social listening, post filtering, response generation, and account management. Once enough posts are found, you'll receive an email with links to all marketing comments.

What Sets comment-marketing.com Apart?

  • One of the pioneering SaaS platforms in comment marketing, CM originated as ReplyAIBot, a Discord Bot for user-driven comment marketing. ReplyAIBot is now discontinued, giving way to comment-marketing.com.

  • CM is the first to offer a "Do it for you" comment marketing service, emphasizing result delivery over tool provision, allowing clients to focus on other aspects while CM handles comment marketing.

  • Weekly subscription fees provide quick results and the flexibility to cancel anytime, unlike monthly subscriptions.